This course is to provide students with a clear and thorough presentation of both the theory and application of the fundamental principles of mechanics of materials. Understanding is based on explanation of the physical behaviour of material under load and then modeling this behaviour to develop the theory. Emphasis is placed on the importance of satisfying equilibrium, compatibility of deformation, and material behaviour requirements. The course covers the following topics including the important concepts of statics, a formal definition of both normal and shear stress, normal stress in axially loaded members, average shear stress caused by direct shear, the formal concept of strain, some important mechanical properties of materials, the mechanical behavior of structures under axial load, torsion and bending, a discussion of thin-walled tubes, shear flow, stress and strain transformation, Mohr's circle, deflections of beams and shafts, stability and energy method.
After completing this course, a student should be able to:
1. Calculate and understand the concepts of stress and strain;
2. Calculate, describe, and estimate external loadings, including axial load, shear force, bending, and torsion, and the resulting deformations and internal stresses associated with these external loadings;
3. Calculate and describe the internal stresses and deformations that result in combined loading conditions;
4. Calculate internal stresses and strains through the application of stress transformation equations and Mohr’s circle;
5. Design components to meet desired needs in terms of strength and deformation.
6. Foster effective mathematical and graphical communication skills.
7. Cultivate ethical engineering decisions
Calculus, Theoretical Mechanics, Physics
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