spContent=为满足全英文教学对慕课的需求,山东大学组织学与胚胎学系精心制作《人体胚胎学》全英文慕课,利用动画生动再现人体结构的胚胎发生过程;通过对临床畸形案例的分析,让学习者深刻理解先天畸形发生的机理。应同学们的请求,本课程第十三期开课新增了神经系统发生相关教学视频,敬请关注! 《Human Embryology》姊妹篇《Development Neurobiology》发育神经生物学全英文慕课已上线,如需系统了解神经系统的发生过程,请移步该课程! http://www.icourse163.org/course/SDU-1471158179?tid=1472691557
—— 课程团队

The "Human Embryology" (人体胚胎学) is a science that studies the normal human development as well as birth defects in the maternal uterus.

  • Bridges the gap between prenatal development and obstetrics, perinatal medicine, pediatrics and clinical anatomy
  • Develops knowledge concerning the beginning of life and the changes occurring during prenatal development
  • Builds an understanding of the causes of variations in human structure
  • Illuminates clinically oriented anatomy and explains how normal and abnormal relations develop
  • Supports the research and application of stem cells for treatment of certain chronic diseases

Our better understanding of “Human Embryology” will result in new techniques for prenatal diagnosis and treatment, therapeutic procedures to circumvent problems with infertility, mechanisms to prevent birth defects and the leading cause of infant mortality.

Before starting this course, please read the learning guidance sheet carefully!

(Note: The criterion of course scoring in the learning guidance sheet is the scoring criterion for blend teaching of offline course. Please refer to certificate requirements for online course scoring criterion.)











“Human Embryology” helps students understand

(1) how the gross and tissue-level morphologies that they have studied earlier are established during the development;

(2) what cellular behaviors normally contribute to such morphogenetic events;

(3) what molecular pathways work in the tissue-forming embryonic cells and how these pathways can participate in normal and pathological cellular behaviors of the adult cells;

(4) how developmental biological knowledge has been accumulated through utilizing a variety of non-human animal models;

(5) how pregnancy is diagnosed and monitored and what ethical issues we should bear in mind;

(6) how the understanding of embryological or developmental biological studies can contribute to regenerative medicine including clinical applications using embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells.


After learning about Gross Anatomy(人体解剖学), Histology(组织学), medical students or any students who are interested in reproductive mecidine and human development take this "Human Embryology”course to study how human organs are formed and what malformations may occur in each organ during development.

  1. T. W. Sadler: Langman's Medical Embryology (Fourteenth Edition) (Japanese, M. Yasuda Ed.), Medical Science International.
  2. W. J. Larsen: Human Embryology 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone.
  3. K. L. Moore and T. V. N. Persaud:The Developing Human 6th Edition (Japanese, H. Seguchi Ed.), W. B. Saunders.
  4. Embryology (Board review series, sixth edition), Wolters Kluwer
  5. 组织学与胚胎学(八年制教材,第一版,郭雨霁参编),人民卫生出版社,2005
  6. 奈特氏人体胚胎学彩色图谱(郭雨霁参译),人民卫生出版社,2004
  7. 组织学与胚胎学(英文版,郭雨霁参编),科学出版社,2014
  8. 生殖医学技术及其彩色图谱(郭雨霁参编),山东省科学技术出版社,2004


1. 本课程图片主要来自《Langman's Medical Embryology》、《Human Embryology》、《The Developing Human》、《组织学与胚胎学(八年制教材,第一版)》、《奈特氏人体胚胎学彩色图谱》、《组织学与胚胎学(英文版)》,部分图片和动画来自网络,为教学需要在此借鉴,对原作者表示感谢。如涉及版权,烦请告知。

2. 尊重老师与同学,不发表暴力文字,与人为善。

3. 不在平台内发布非法、违禁信息。