《学术交流英语》 课程 以学术交流为主线,围绕 学术演讲、学术笔记、学术讨论和国际会议等学术交流活动展开技能训练,使知识点与技能点有机结合。课程内容丰富,具有较为宽阔的学术视野,除了提供微课视频外,学生还可以通过课后练习、线上讨论和其它师生和生生交互活动巩固所学知识。
Academic Communication English is open to participants who may use English in an academic context. It aims to help you develop and broaden your academic communication skills in English. The focus of this course is on appropriate speaking styles, effective procedures in preparing for an academic presentation, strategies to adopt on various academic communication occasions, and on building up fluency and confidence in public speaking.
To achieve this goal, lectures in video, follow-up exercises, on-line discussions and some other interactive activities will be provided for you. They are grouped into three parts. In the first part, we deal with academic communication in a general way. Several key issues in this field will be discussed, such as the differences between daily conversation and academic presentation, the different types of academic presentations, and the appropriate academic speaking style. In part two, we focus on how to make an effective academic presentation. Systematic and detailed guidance will be given to you on how to plan, structure, rehearse and deliver your presentation. In part three, we introduce such specific academic occasions as seminar and international conference. You will get to know what people usually do on these occasions, how to make preparation for them and what communicative strategies you should adopt for these occasions.
Q : 课程何时发布?
A : 课程单元学习视频和其它资源在每周一上午8点整准时发布,单元测试迟于课程半小时发布。
Q : 共有几个单元测试?单元测试必须完成吗?
A : 9个单元测试必须全部完成,单元测试一般有15-20题。所有单元测试成绩占线上学习成绩的
Q : 必须学完一单元就立刻完成单元测试吗?
A : 不必要(但强烈建议学完一单元即刻完成测试)。一定在所有单元测试截止日期前完成(所有单元测验均在12月22日23.30分截止提交,逾期将无法补交)。
Q : 单元测试有什么题型?是百分制吗?
A : 题型有单选、多选、填空、判断。测试分数由系统换算后计入总分。
Q : 必须完成各单元的讨论题吗?
A : 是的,必须根据要求完成单元讨论题。讨论题占线上学习成绩的5%。
Q : 期末考试题型和单元测试相同吗?
A : 不同。期末考试为主观题,将会在课程内容全部完成后发布(约第10-11周)。
Q: 期末考试怎么评判?
Q: 视频观看时长或个数与成绩相关吗?
A: 相关。慕课堂中记录的视频观看时长或个数在总评成绩中占一定比例,即最终总评成绩中线上学习成绩(单元测试+讨论+期末作业)占90%,视频观看时长或个数占10%。