spContent=工程制图被称为工程界的“技术语言”,是学习工程类专业的入门课程。本课程以现代工程应用为背景,旨在使学生掌握工程图纸的绘制方法和解读方法。是后续专业课程学习的基础,也是制造型企业大部分岗位需要掌握的岗位职业技能。本课程的知识是每位工程技术人员必备的知识。 Engineering Drawing is often referred to as the "technical language" of the engineering field and serves as an introductory course. This course is set against the backdrop of modern engineering applications and aims to equip students with the skills to create and interpret engineering drawings. It serves as the foundation for subsequent specialized courses and is a crucial occupational skill required in various positions within manufacturing companies. The knowledge gained from this course is essential for every engineering professional.
—— 课程团队

The course "Engineering Drawing" is designed with a focus on modern engineering 
applications. It aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge and basic skills in 
expressing engineering designs. This course serves as an introductory course for 
students studying engineering science and technology. It also acts as a vital platform 
for developing spatial imagination and innovative thinking, serving as a bridge for 
students to understand and enter the world of engineering. 
The course content includes national standards related to mechanical drawings, 
principles and methods of projecting points, lines, surfaces, and basic solids, as well 
as the construction of complex forms (section views, intersection bodies, assemblies), 
and various commonly used methods of expression in engineering (multiviews, 
sectional views, cross-sectional views, dimensioning).
This course, based on projection theory, seamlessly integrates 2D views, axonometric 
sketches, three-dimensional solid models, and other typical conceptual and expressive 
methods into a cohesive curriculum. The course places graphic representation at its
core and cultivates students' fundamental abilities and qualities in expressing 
engineering designs. The availability of bilingual learning resources provides English-
speaking learners with a complete set of resources, from learning materials to testing. 
This benefits those who prefer learning in English and those aspiring to become 
internationally competitive talents in the field of science and technology exchange.



Have the ability to choose the best expression scheme for various mechanical parts.



Basic knowledge of middle school mathematics



《机械制图》 机械工业出版社 胡建生主编

《机械制图习题集》机械工业出版社 胡建生主编

"National Standards"

"Mechanical Drawing" - Edited by Hu Jiansheng, published by Mechanical Industry Press

"Exercises in Mechanical Drawing" - Edited by Hu Jiansheng, published by Mechanical Industry Press

  1. Q : 《工程制图》适合什么专业的学生学习?A : 适合工科专业的所有学生学习
  2. Q : 要准备哪些绘图工具?A : 绘图铅笔(HB/2B各一支)、橡皮、三角板、圆规、分规,可选买比例尺、曲线板
  3. Q : 选用什么教材和练习册?A : 优先选用《机械制图》 机械工业出版社 胡建生主编 , 其它《机械制图》教材也可以使用,习题册选用《机械制图习题集》(胡建生主编,ISBN978-7-111-42343-0)

1. Q: What kind of students is "Engineering Drawing" suitable for?

   A: It is suitable for students in all engineering-related majors.

2. Q: What drawing tools should I prepare?

   A: You should prepare drawing pencils (one each of HB and 2B), eraser, triangle, compass, divider, and you may consider buying a scale and a French curve.

3. Q: What textbooks and exercise books should I choose?

   A: It is recommended to prioritize "Mechanical Drawing" edited by Hu Jiansheng and published by the Mechanical Industry Press. Other textbooks on "Mechanical Drawing" can also be used. For exercise books, you can choose "Exercises in Mechanical Drawing" (edited by Hu Jiansheng, ISBN 978-7-111-42343-0).