Watch TV series and learn Chinese!
Master survival Chinese in 7 weeks!
Experience student life at BLCU!
Please click this link for registration help. https://v.xiumi.us/board/v5/22wJt/106881353
本课程教学内容基于北京语言大学应用中文学院(原汉语速成学院)初级班课程教学体系。 课程团队由学院对外汉语教学专家和教学经验丰富的一线教师组成。课程教学内容以交际功能项目为纲,但不同于传统的课堂语言教学模式,主要特色有 :
- 讲解部分以情景剧的形式呈现。以一名留学生在中国的学习生活为主线,实景讲解初学者在日常生活中最常用的汉语,培养学习者的跨文化交际能力;
- 讲解语言采用中英双语,用语简洁易懂,句型精炼,能帮助不同国家的入门级学习者在非传统课堂环境下高效掌握所学知识,并运用到交际;
- 每一课讲解部分之后还配有实景拍摄的全中文对话视频,这些视频中的对话采用真实的语调和语速,以帮助学习者走出课堂,适应真实的语言环境;
- 课程与文化教学紧密结合,通过本课程,学习者不但能掌握交际汉语,还能了解中国优秀的传统文化和当代中国生活。
- This course is interesting and practical. Every lesson begins with an introduction part in the form of a story. In every story, you will learn essential Chinese from a real life scenario like greeting friends, asking for directions, ordering food, bargaining and so on... Most importantly, we make things easy. You can go out and immediately try what you learned after the lesson, just like Eric did.
- The introduction part is bilingual. When you finish the introduction part, we provide you with more videos for you to practice and learn more. These practice videos are all in Chinese with authentic tones, authentic speed and in authentic situations.
- If you follow along with our story, you can not only learn survival Chinese, but you will also experience what it's like to be a student at Beijing Language and Culture University.
- You'll get to experience our language classes, our class trips, our student living areas, our dining hall, our restaurants, and our classes on traditional Chinese culture.
- You will fall in love with the multicultural atmosphere of BLCU and witness the
- precious friendships that come from our Mini-United Nations.
- If you want to start speaking Chinese and experiencing the amazing culture of China, you are always welcome to join us.
Our goal is to help you to master survival Chinese language and learn Chinese culture in an easy, relaxing and efficient way.
Beginners and elementary students
Anyone who is interested in teaching Chinese to international students
How can I join the course outside of China?
If your mail address fails to register, please click this link for help. https://v.xiumi.us/board/v5/22wJt/106881353
Sorry for the inconveniences. We promise it is worth the effort.