本课程教师团队既有北京师范大学地理科学学部的教师,也有国内外多所大学的十余位教师。他们分别是北京师范大学的周尚意、朱华晟、朱青、邱维理、黄大全;北京大学王恩涌;牛津大学的Dariusz Wojcik;加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的Cindy Fan;俄勒冈大学的Alexander Murphy;天津师范大学的孟广文;延边大学金石柱;太原师范学院马义娟、李玉轩、钞锦龙;西南大学王立、刘苏;首都师范大学的刘爱利、新疆师范大学黄佛君、北京联合大学文理学院陈媛媛。此外还包括北京师范大学博士研究生高慧慧、王彬、白灵瑶、硕士研究生苏娴。因此本课程的案例地覆盖了中国主要地理单元,为选课学生提供了丰富的地理感受。
This course is divided into four basic units. First: Human Geography field information acquisition method; Second, Human Geography field information recording method; Third, Human Geography field survey map and equipment use; Fourth, Human Geography field information survey case.
The team of this course includes both professors from the Faculty of Geographical Science of Beijing Normal University and more than ten professors from several universities at home and abroad. They are Prof. Shangyi Zhou,Prof. Huasheng Zhu, Associate Prof. Qing Zhu, Associate Prof. Weili Qiu, Associate Prof. Daquan Huang, and three PhD candidates Huihui Gao, Bin Wang, Lingyao Bai, Xian Su, a graduate student from Beijing Normal University. Prof. Enyong Wang from Peking University, Prof. Dariusz Wojcik from Oxford University, Prof. Cindy Fan University of California-Los Angeles, Prof. Alexander Murphy University of Oregon, Associate Prof. Aili Liu from Capital Normal University, Associate Prof. Li Wang and Dr. Su Liu from Southwest University, Prof. Guangwen Meng from Tianjin Normal University, Prof. Fojun Wang from Xinjiang Normal University, Prof. Yijuan Ma, Associate Prof. Yuxuan Li, Associate Prof. Jinglong Chao from Taiyuan Normal College, Prof. Shizhu Jin from Yanbian University, Assistant Prof. Yuanyuan Chen from Beijing Union University. Therefore, the cases in this course cover China's major geographic units, which provide students with a rich geographical experience.
The pre-knowledge of this course is flexible. For students majoring in geography, they must have basic knowledge of physical geography, human geography, and geographic information systems. For students who are not majors in geography, they must have basic geographical knowledge learned in high school. Students can choose a certificate in geography majors and a certificate in non-geography majors.
The teaching objectives of the course include three dimensions:
1. Knowledge——students need to master the basic steps and characteristics of different field methods; understand the basic functions of field recording instruments; understand the basic steps and advantages of field recording methods.
2. Abilities——when students practice in the field, they can copy the methods used in the course’s cases or transfer the methods in the other cases.
3.Emotions and values——students may stimulate their enthusiasm to explore human geographical issues, and cultivate a scientific spirit, attitude, and social responsibility.
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周尚意 主编. 人文地理学野外方法(十一五国家规划教材)[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,2010. ISBN 978-7-04-027483-7.
ZHOU Shangyi. Eds. Fieldwork Methods of Human Geography [M].Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2010. ISBN 978-7-04-027483-7.