International Finance
spContent=《International Finance》课程致力于培养基础扎实、站位高远的复合型金融专业人才,以应对在国际金融领域中可能遇到的各种问题和挑战。英语作为国际化的必要媒介,国际金融全英文专业化教学是高校对国际化影响的有形表现,面向国际留学生的全英文授课课程,是吸引全日制留学生、打造“留学中国”品牌的重要手段,也是建设高水平师资队伍的重要抓手,更是提高高校及学科国际知名度的重要举措。因此,团队基于OBE(Outcome based education)教学理念,采用BOPPPS和OMO(Online-Merge-Offline)创新教学模式,通过增加课程内容深度与广度,进行理论与实训融合,设计具有高阶性、创新性和挑战度的全英文国际金融课程模式。
—— 课程团队
  • Why should you study international finance?Studying international finance is essential for understanding how global financial markets function and how economies interact on an international scale. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of international trade, investment, and monetary systems.
  • What is the theme of this course? The theme of this course revolves around the principles, theories, and practices of managing financial transactions, investments, and risks in the context of the global economy. It covers topics such as foreign exchange markets, international capital flows, multinational corporate finance, and regulatory frameworks governing international financial transactions.
  • What can you gain from studying this course? Particularly, how does it benefit you and your applications? Studying international finance offers several benefits. It provides a deeper understanding of global financial markets and economic trends, which can be valuable for individuals pursuing careers in finance, banking, international business, or government policymaking. It enhances analytical and decision-making skills, enabling individuals to make informed choices regarding international investments, currency hedging, and risk management. Moreover, it opens up opportunities for international career paths and fosters a global mindset, essential in today's interconnected world.
  • What are the special features and highlights of this course? This course incorporates real-world case studies, practical applications, and discussions on contemporary issues in international finance. It emphasizes the interplay between theory and practice, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, group projects enhance the learning experience, providing students with hands-on exposure to the complexities of global financial management.
  1. Enhancing comprehension of the general economic framework from an international perspective.
  2. Providing fundamental tools for analyzing the global financial market.
  3. Delving deeper into the main features of the world's international finance.
  1. A solid foundation in economic theory, including both macroeconomics and microeconomics. This is essential for understanding the more advanced concepts discussed in the course.
  2. Familiarity with basic economic principles and models, as these will be built upon to explore international finance.


The final scores are graded to “Pass” and “High Distinction” ; you receive PASS with final scores between 60 and 80, and HIGH DISTINCTION with final scores over 80.


David Eiteman, Arthur Stonehill, Michael Moffett. Multinational Business Finance.Pearson,2018.8

Dennis R. Appleyard, Alfred J. Field. International Economics. Richard Irwin,1995.1

Keith Pilbeam. International Finance. Palgrave Macmillan,2006.3

Marcel Fratzscher. Capital flows, push versus pull factors and the global financial crisis. Journal of International Economics,2012.11

Maurice Obstfeld, Alan M. Taylor. Global Capital Markets: Integration, Crisis, and Growth. Cambridge University Press,2004.2

Michael H. Moffett, Stonehill, A.I., Eiteman, D.K., Fundamentals of Multinational Finance.Pearson,2014.8 

Robert J Carbaugh. International Finance. South-Western College Pub,2016.7

Thomas A. Pugel. International Finance. McGraw-Hill Education,2015.1

Hou Gaolan, International Finance. Qinghua University Press,2023.10