1. 课程起点低。只要求有线性代数的基础,不要求事先学过量子力学。
2. 课程用较少的课时系统介绍了量子力学的框架和量子信息的主要内容。让学习者对整个量子信息论有一个系统的了解,初步具备开展文献调研和具体研究的能力。
3. 课程可以作为高年级本科生和研究生的专业基础课,也可作为一门选修课,同时可供相关人员参考。
4. 课程侧重于剖析量子信息的数学和物理原理,但不包括量子信息领域的最新研究进展,而是为读懂这些研究工作提供知识储备。
In this course we shall cover the basic materials in quantum information science. A very brief introduction to the basic concepts of quantum mechanics will be given in the first couple of lectures, and then topics in quantum information will be discussed. The level is appropriate for undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Students are supposed to know linear algebra, while knowledge of quantum mechanics is not a prerequisite for this course. The following topics are covered in the course.
Part I. A brief introduction to quantum mechanics
•Experimental background – why do we need a quantum theory?
•Framework of quantum mechanics
•Qubit systems used in quantum information
Part II. Quantum states and quantum entanglement
•Pure and mixed states of qubits
•Mixed states and density operators
•Bipartite pure states and entanglement
•Multipartite states and entanglement
Part III. Quantum communication and quantum information theory
•Simple communication tasks and no-go theorems
•Classical and quantum cryptography
•Bell's inequalities and quantum correlation
•Entropy and information theory
Part IV. Quantum computation
•Quantum algorithms and implementation
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1. M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge, 2010).
2. D. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Pearson, 2014).
3. 张永德,量子力学, 科学出版社。
4. G. Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Wellesley-Cambridge Press (2016).