Nutrition is closely related to students' daily life. It is very important to develop good eating habits. As the saying goes: "Food is the first necessity to people." At present, more than 86% of the deaths are caused by chronic diseases in China. Therefore, the main goal of this course is to enable students to benefit from using the nutrition knowledge and principles they have learned in daily life, and develop good eating behaviors and habits. This course uses the 2018 Mc Graw Hill Education "Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition" textbook. The teaching content is divided into 13 chapters and three levels: Basic Knowledge Module A takes the basic principles of nutrition as the key point, and Expanding Module B includes nutrition and disease, nutrition for people with different life-cycle, dietary guidelines and functional foods in various countries, etc. Comprehensive Application Module C includes nutrition evaluation, healthy diet design, and nutrition label calculation. This course is offered by a team of renowned nutrition professors, Professor Tao Ningping, a visiting scholar of the University of California, San Diego; Dr. Jennifer Wan and a functional food professor, Dr. Wang Mingfu of the University of Hong Kong; Dr. Zhong Jian, a Ph.D. graduate of Peking University; Dr. Sun Zheng and Zhao Yueliang, two Ph.D. graduates of the University of Hong Kong; Dr. Lu Ying, a Ph.D. graduate of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.
Course Objectives
1. Providing students with a sound introduction to the study of nutrition.
2. Gaining an understanding of the need and function of the major nutrients in health and disease.
3. Through the study of this course: students can use nutrition-related basic knowledge to evaluate the nutritional value of various foods; understand the characteristics of food nutrition, use nutrition principles to match balanced diet to maintain health; by reading nutrition labels, choose different kinds of food properly and manage body weight; understand how to prevent the risk factors leading to disease; know how to prepare for quality pregnancy, reasonably feed the next generation, and how to delay aging; and prepare for the cultivation of senior technical talents and international talents suitable for the food industry.
为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。
1. 根据国家相关法律法规要求,认证证书申请时要求进行实名认证,请保证所提交的实名认证信息真实完整有效。
2. 完成实名认证并支付后,系统将自动生成并发送电子版认证证书。电子版认证证书生成后不支持退费。
1. Wardlaw’s Contemporary Nutrition, Fifth edtion by Anne M. Smith, Angela L. Collene, Colleen K. Spees ( Mc Graw Hill education New York, 2018).
2. Nutrition: Science and Applications, Canadian Edition by Lori Smolin, Debbie Gurfinkel, Mary Grosvenor ( Wiley Canada 2015).
3. 食品营养与健康(第二版),陶宁萍、王锡昌主编,中国轻工业出版社,2015。
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