Chinese Competition Law
spContent=Competition law is an important legal domain, and is getting more and more important with the further development of market economy in China. This is so far the only course taught in English on the icourse platform about Chinese Competition Law. The teaching staff are comprised some of the best competitition law professor in China. The course has been awarded by the Shanghai Eduation Commission as the Model Course Taught in English.
—— 课程团队

This course will provide you with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the basics of China's Anti-Monopoly Law. Key topics discussed in the course include cartels, abusing dominant positions, merger control, public restriction of competition law and their enforcement. Case study will be a major element for this course. Moreover, the comparative element allows students to know not only Chinese law but also antitrust law in the EU and USA.


Via this course, you are suppose to know the theories and practices in relation to China's Anti-monopoly Law. You may find the concrete knowledge I would like you to know in the contents of the course. In the end, you are expected to know how to handle competition cases from a basis sense. National and international cases will be used on class to faciliate your study on the abstract theories and legal provisions.


no pre-required knowledge


为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。







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2. 完成实名认证并支付后,系统将自动生成并发送电子版认证证书。电子版认证证书生成后不支持退费。


1. Harris et al (2011), Anti-Monopoly Law and Practice in China, Oxford University Press;
2. Jones & Sufrin (2014), EU Competition Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press;
3. Hou (2012), Competition Law and Regulation in the EU Electronic Communications Sector: A comparative legal approach, Wolter Kluwer.