This course is developed and offered by Prof. ZHANG BaoHui’s team at the School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University (Xi’an). It is based on many years of highly cited Chinese and English research paper publications, Prof. ZHANG’s experience as an editor in chief or editorial board member in some English and Chinese journals, and his experience in university teaching in research methods and the learning sciences. This course is for college students, postgraduates, doctoral students, international students, in-service K-12 school teachers, and faculty members in universities. It is a MOOC offered on iCourse platform.
张宝辉,课程主持人、主讲教师张宝辉教授是归国华侨、陕西师范大学教育学部前院长,博士生导师,“曲江学者”特聘教授,国际科学教育学会理事会(ICASE)主席(2020-2023), 东亚科学教育学会(EASE)2021(科研)杰出贡献奖得主。在美国和新加坡学习和工作12年,2011年回国后,连续两届当选中国高等教育学会学习科学分委员会副理事长。每年主讲《教育研究方法》和《学习科学》中文、双语、或英语系列课程。主持研发的《教育文献的检索与分析》慕课课程于2019年7月在爱课程慕课平台上线,已完成了十轮慕课的授课,累计3万余人参与课程学习。《英语社科文献的检索、分析与综述(双语)》慕课第一、二期到目前累计已有2100人注册学习。
Knowledge Objectives:
1.1 Understand the concept and classification of social science literature and literature reviews
1.2 Understand the access to English social science literature
1.3 Understand the basic methods of searching English social science literature
1.4 Understand the concept of English literature review and the norms and format of writing such reviews
2. 技能目标:
Skills Objectives:
2.1 Learn to use different English social science literature databases to collect information
2.2 Learn to use literature management software to manage literature
2.3 Learn to analyze literature using bibliometric and content analysis methods
2.4 Learn reading and analysis skills of English social science literature
3. 价值目标:
Value Objectives:
3.1 Develop learners’ competence in norms and rigour of scientific research
3.2 Cultivate learners’ competence in collaboration, communication and mutual learning with others in a new learning mode
3.3 Cultivate learners’ correct attitudes of being strict to oneself and learning
This course is intended for undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, international students, and in-service K-12 school teachers and university faculty members who are engaged in Social Sciences research. Learners are expected to:
1. ave basic computer literacy and operating skills, such as being able to install/uninstall software, surf the Internet, etc.
2. have positive and open minds, be willing to spend time on learning tasks, stay curious about new things.
英文参考资料English References:
Creswell, J. W. (2011). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Fourth edition). Pearson.
Fink, A. G. (2013). Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper (Fourth edition). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Henderson, E. (2015). The active reader: Strategies for academic reading and writing (Third edition). Oxford University Press.
Ridley, D. (2012). The Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students (Second edition). SAGE Publications Ltd.
中文参考资料Chinese References:
沈霞娟, 张宝辉, 曾宁. (2019).国外近十年深度学习实证研究综述——主题、情境、方法及结果[J]. 电化教育研究, 40(5), 111-119.
张宝辉, 胡立如*, 李鹏飞, & 秦健. (2017). “学生作为课程共同创造者”理念的应用实践--基于“教育技术学研究方法”研究生双语课程的设计研究[J]. 《开放教育研究》, 23(6), 36-48.
卜彩丽, 冯晓晓, 张宝辉. (2016).深度学习的概念、策略、效果及其启示——美国深度学习项目(SDL)的解读与分析[J]. 远程教育杂志, 34(5), 75-82.
曹俏俏, 张宝辉, 刘永贵, 梁乐明. (2013).学生作为课程共同设计者——基于“学习科学导论”研究生双语课程的设计研究[J]. 开放教育研究, 19(6), 51-61.
曾宁, 张宝辉, 李鹏飞. (2019).国内学分银行发展态势的文献计量分析[J]. 终身教育研究, 30(3), 49-56.
沈霞娟, 张宝辉, 王群利. (2018).基于日记的师范院校研究生反思能力及培养研究——以《学习科学(双语)》课程为例[J]. 教学研究, 41(6), 17-25.