Private International Law is a legal discipline, in a broadly sense, composed of international dispute resolution mechanism (including international civil litigation, international commercial arbitration, international commercial mediation), choice of law, international substantive conventions, the law related to the legal status of foreigners, which regulate relationships between individuals in an international context. In common law jurisdictions, it is sometimes known as "conflict of laws."
The reason behind Private International Law is the existence in the world of a number of separate municipal systems of law. The core function of Private International Law is to solve this “conflict” so as to decide which law should be applied.
From Bartolus to Savigny and then the contemporary scholars in American or European continent, they all pursued hardly for the reason and methodology of applying foreign law. Due to its abstract, complicated and non-universal theory, Private International Law was called “dark science” and “mysterious matters in a strange and incomprehensible jargon”.
Private International Law, however, is more important and practical than expected in the highly-connection world. The idea of “global community of shared future” and Belt and Road Initiative prompts the pressing needs of improved civil and commercial dispute resolution mechanism, which means the Private International Law is the essential skill for lawyers involving in foreign-related case.
This course will give you a comprehensive impression of Private International Law, and understand how the court or arbitration institution and tribunal works in the real foreign-related cases. Meanwhile, this course analyses the related provisions in Chinese Private International Law. It will drag you out from the “jargon” and get the essence of this subject.
1. to know the basics of Private International Law.
2. to understand why we should apply conflict rules to decide the governing law of a foreign-related case.
3. to get the skill of dealing with a real foreign-related case.
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