Pediatric Nursing
spContent=Do you want to know how your baby grows up? Want to know how to feed the baby scientifically? Suppose you have all sorts of confusion in the process of parenting, and a little bit puzzled during the learning process. In that case, the "Pediatric Nursing" carefully created by the Department of Nursing, Xiamen University School of Medicine, must be your best choice. There are scientific and easy-to-understand knowledge explanations and professional and intuitive video operations. Whether you are a student or a social person, I believe you can solve puzzles, seek knowledge, and make progress here!
—— 课程团队

"Pediatric Nursing" is a nursing course that introduces children's growth and development, health care, nutrition, neonatal diseases, and the prevention and management of some common and frequently-occurring diseases of children to promote the physical and mental health of children. An excellent team of teachers carries out teaching and integrating the theoretical content and practical operation. Students can comprehensively and systematically understand and master the basic knowledge and skills of children's physical and mental health, nutrition, growth and development, disease prevention, and nursing through course study.


Through this course's study, the students can comprehensively and systematically understand and master the fundamental theories, basic knowledge, and necessary skills of typical children's physical and mental health, growth and development, prevention, and standard treatment frequently-occurring diseases in children and nursing.


Before studying this course, you need to know introductory medical courses, primary nursing, health assessment, internal medicine nursing, surgical nursing, and medical humanities.


Chinese books

1.      Cui Yan. Pediatric Nursing, Sixth Edition, Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2017

2.      Zhang Ying, Zhang Liping. Pediatric Nursing. Beijing: China Medical Science and Technology Press. 2016

3.      Wang Weiping, Sun Kun, Chang Liwen. Pediatrics (9th edition). Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2018

4.      Gui Yonghao, Shen Kunling. Pediatrics. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2014

5.      Gui Yonghao, Xue Xindong. Pediatrics. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2015

6.      Xiao Hongling. Pediatric Nursing Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou University Press, 2015

7.      Qin Aihua, Wang Yanwei. Pediatric Nursing. Shanghai: Second Military Medical University Press, 2014

8.      Jiang Liqi, Pediatric Nursing. 4th edition. Taipei: Yongda Bookstore Co., Ltd., 2012

9.      Gui Yonghao, Xue Xindong, Pediatrics. 3rd edition. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2015

10.    Xiao Hongling. Pediatric Nursing. Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou University Press, 2015

11.    Cui Yan. Pediatric Nursing. Fourth Edition. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, published in June 2007

12.    Shen Xiaoming. Pediatrics. Seventh edition. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, published in February 2010

13.    Hu Yan. Pediatric Nursing (Bilingual Textbook). Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2005

14.    Chen Jingli. Pediatric Nursing. Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2008 

English books

1.      Hockenberry, M.J.D. Wilson, Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children: Elsevier Health Sciences,2007.

2.      Reuter-Rice, K.B. Bolick, Pediatric acute care: A guide for interprofessional practice: Jones & Bartlett Publishers,2012.

3.      Service, H.L., J. FlerlageB. Engorn, The Harriet Lane Handbook: A Manual for Pediatric House Officers,2015.


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