spContent=人体如同广袤的自然与浩瀚的宇宙一样神秘,你的生命如何维持,你如何感知外面的世界,你如何随意的运动,以及你日常生活的每一个行为如何发生都远比感觉到的要复杂的多。想要了解这些身体的奥秘,那就跟我们一起来一次令人惊叹的探索之旅,带你探索世界上最复杂的人体生命系统,真正走进你的身体世界。 The human body is as mysterious as the vastness of nature and the universe. How do you maintain your life? How do you perceive the around world? How do you move at will? And how does every action of your daily life occur? Those are far more complex than they seem. To understand the mysteries of our body, please come with us on an amazing journey to discover the most complex human body systems in the world and truly step inside your own body.
—— 课程团队


    著名生理学家Claude Bernard指出:“医学是关于疾病的科学,而生理学则是关于生命的科学。所以后者比前者更具有普遍性。”人体生理学的知识可用于解决人体各个组成部分及系统具有哪些功能,这些功能又是如何实现的,以及这些功能受哪些因素和条件的调节和控制等问题。只有充分了解正常条件下机体各项功能活动的规律,才能了解在非正常调剂及疾病状态下功能的改变原因以及如何通过药物和医疗手段进行预防和治疗。因此,学习人体生理学既可很好的指导日常生活,同时也是医学生学习后续专业课程及临床实践的理论基础。

    Human physiology, as the backbone course of medical education, is an important compulsory basic course in medicine. Human physiology is a branch of biological science that studies the laws and mechanisms of human functional activities under normal circumstances.

     Famous physiologist Claude Bernard pointed out that " Medicine is a science about diseases, while physiology is a science about life. Therefore, the latter is more universal than the former." The knowledge of human physiology can be used to solve problems such as what functions each component and system of the human body has, how these functions are achieved, and what factors and conditions regulate and control these functions. Only by fully understanding the patterns of various functional activities in the body under normal conditions can we understand the reasons for functional changes in abnormal regulation and disease states, as well as how to prevent and treat them through medication and medical means. Therefore, studying human physiology can not only guide daily life well, but also serve as the theoretical foundation for medical students to learn subsequent professional courses and clinical practice.


1. 帮助医学相关专业学生预习和巩固人体生理学知识;

  Assist medical students in previewing and consolidating their knowledge of human physiology;

2. 帮助普通民众了解人体,从而了解疾病的发病机制,指导健康生活。

  Help medical enthusiasts understand the human body, thereby understanding the pathogenesis of diseases and guiding healthy living.

3. 帮助参加研究生入学考试、执业医师资格考试的人员更好的复习人体生理学知识;

   Assist personnel participating in graduate entrance exams and physician qualification exams to better review knowledge of human physiology;

4. 帮助医学相关专业工作者拾遗补漏;

  Assist medical professionals in identifying and filling in any gaps;



Some basic knowledge of the following courses is required: chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry, human anatomy, and human histology&embryology.


1. 生理学(第10版), 罗自强、管又飞 主编 ,人民卫生出版社。

2. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology(14th Edit),John E.Hall,ELSEVIER.

3. 人体生理学(第3版),孙红、彭聿平主编,高等教育出版社。

4.Physiology,LINDA S. COSTANZO, Elsevier.

5. Medical physiology : principles for clinical medicine, Rodney A. Rhoades, David R. Bell, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.







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