Soil Biology & Biochemistry
spContent=Soil Biology & Biochemistry is a forum for research on soil organisms, their biochemical activities and their influence on the soil environment and plant growth. This is an optional course opened for the students majoring in Agricultural Resources and Environment. Based on the interdisciplinary fundamental principles of soil science, biology, chemistry and environmental science, the topics of this course lie on the demonstration for the biochemical processes of some key elements (e.g. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and etc.) and pollutants in soil that influenced by the interactive effect of soil organisms, organic matters, and minerals.
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The purpose of setting up this course is to hope that everyone will learn something through the course. First, to understand the role of soil biology and biochemistry in regulating soil function, agricultural sustainability, and ecosystem services. Second, to master the ecological and biochemical processes of organisms in the soil, their impact on the environment, and the interaction between them and plants. Third, to learn how to use the current new molecular biology, microscopic and information technology to improve our understanding of the dynamic succession process of microbial communities in the soil.


  Soil Biology & Biochemistry is a forum for research on soil organisms, their biochemical activities and their influence on the soil environment and plant growth. It covers many scientific disciplines, requires the use of the basic principles of soil science, biology, chemistry and environmental science to describe and explain fundamental biological and biochemical features and processes occurring in soil systems. In addition, it focuses on quantitative, analytical and experimental aspects of such research. The purpose of setting up this course is to hope that everyone will learn something through the course: Understand the role of soil biology and biochemistry in regulating soil function, agricultural sustainability, and ecosystem services; Master the ecological and biochemical processes of organisms in the soil, their impact on the environment, and the interaction between them and plants; Learn how to use the current new molecular biology, microscopic and information technology to improve our understanding of the dynamic succession process of microbial communities in the soil. 



1、《土壤学》(第四版) (“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材、普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材、普通高等教育农业农村部“十三五”规划教材). 徐建明主编. ISBN: 978-7-109-26193-8. 中国农业出版社. 2019.12.

2、《土壤学与生活》(国际著名经典土壤学著作《The Nature and Properties of Soils》第十四版中文译本)([]尼尔•布鲁迪(Nyle C. Brady雷•韦尔(Ray R. WeilThe Nature and Properties of Soils. 14th Edition李保国徐建明等译. ISBN978-7-03-060490-3. 科学出版社. 2019.2.

3、《土壤生物化学》 (土壤科学丛书). 黄巧云、林启美、徐建明主编. ISBN: 978-7-04-041621-3. 北京:高等教育出版社. 2015.3.

4、《环境土壤学(第三版)》21世纪环境科学陈怀满主编朱永官、董元华、周东美副主编. ISBN978-7-03-057684-2. 科学出版社,2018.8.