Corporate Finance
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spContent=Money makes a business go and that money comes from different sources, namely equity and debt. Corporate finance is the study of sources of finance and how to use the money raised to add maximum value to the shareholders' wealth. This is the course for you!
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About this course

Do you want to improve your financial literacy?

Do you want to understand the basic finance terms like Compounding Interest, Time Value of Money, Net Present Value and Modern Portfolio Theory?

Do you want a class where you do the problems with the professor?

This is the English-immersion "Corporate Finance" course created by SEIB, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies!

We will help you get a strong foundation for Compounding Interest, the Time Value of Money. We will create a loan amortization schedule together as well!

You will learn how to use Excel Sheets to calculate the Net Present Value of capital projects.

We are going to learn:

Models for calculation of cost of common stock, cost of preferred stock and cost of debt;

Calculation of weighted average cost of capital and its use in investment appraisal techniques such as net present value, internal rate of return, profitability index, payback period, etc.;

Accounting for risk in investment appraisal techniques using sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, etc.;

Decision about whether to declare a dividend or whether reinvest the money in business;

Working capital management: management of inventories, receivables and cash;

Calculation of investment performance valuation parameters such as ROI, ROE, etc.

Financial risk management using derivatives and other techniques.

Corporate finance managers are one of the most common users of financial information and they need to coordinate with other functions of the business such as production, marketing, administration, etc, and any business manager must have some financial knowledge. Let's start the fun journey of learning corporate finance!


Goal One

Understand regulatory and professional standards and apply appropriately.


Our students will be able to:

1.1 Identify the relevant authoritative guidance needed to address a business case or situation.

1.2 Interpret the guidance and apply it appropriately to the case.

Goal Two

Solve business problems analytically and make well-informed decisions taking into consideration global and ethical dimensions.


2.1 Interpret relevant issues in a business case.

2.2 Analyze the data.

2.3 Evaluate alternative solutions.

2.4 Recommend a solution.

2.5 Support recommended solution.

Goal Three

Communicate professionally.


3.1 Prepare professional written documents about business topics.

3.2 Produce a professional presentation about a business topic.

Goal Four

Effectively use technology to conduct research, to collect and analyze data, and/or to communicate.

On completion of this course , students should be able to:

1. Distinguish between limited and unlimited liability, and list firm types that are subject to each type of liability.

2. List, define and explain the three major financial statements produced by public companies.

3. Compute and explain the financial ratios, and use Dupont identity to analyze the financial performance of a corporation.

4. Compute and explain the main techniques using in TVM, and use them to calculate NPV, IRR.

5. Describe the relation between nominal and real rates of interest, and explain how to choose the appropriate discount rate.

6. Calculate the yield to maturity, duration for both coupon and zero-coupon bonds, and interpret their meaning for each.

7. Understand the system of Capital Budgeting.

8. Compute and explain the pricing model of bond and stock.

9. Understand the portfolio selection theories, especially the CAPM. 

10. Estimate the Cost of Capital.

11. Define financial leverage and describe he capital structure that the firm should choose.

12. Apply the techniques and theories into practice (Case studies).


Basic Accounting



Principles of Corporate Finance,12th Edition,Richard Brealey;Stewart Myers;Alan Marcus.  International Edition: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2016.

Reference Materials

Readings from the Journal of Corporate Finance and Journal of Business are available to download from the University Library's Portia portal by selecting Business/Journals or by searching for the journal's title in the Serials section of the catalogue.  Off-campus access to most journals can be achieved by obtaining an VPN account name and password from the library. Other items will be made available at relevant lectures.