Everyone loves design: design,culture and creative life
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spContent=Design is everywhere. Design is a way of thinking that teaches us how to find problems and how to solve them effectively. Design is a mirror; it is the epitome of the world. Let’s learn how to find the beautiful world around us and live a more positive and optimistic life.
—— Instructors
About this course

"Everyone loves design" is open to everyone.

Its goal is to popularize the knowledge and methods of innovative design, improve students' innovative design ability, and then improve the innovative consciousness of the whole society.          
This is an art appreciation class. You will appreciate the magic and omnipresence of creativity;       this is a science and technology popularization course. You will learn a lot about design;           
this is an innovation practice course. You will find that you can also be a designer!           

Design is a kind of instinct. There is a designer's soul in everyone's heart.

First of all, you can understand the knowledge of design and enjoy excellent design works; second, you can expand your vision and see the world around you with a new perspective; most importantly, you may change your attitude towards life, because design makes life better.


First of all, you can understand the knowledge of design and enjoy excellent design works; second, you can expand your vision and see the world around you with a new perspective; most importantly, you may change your attitude towards life, because design makes life better!





Design Museum. Building the world's leading museum devoted to contemporary design in every form from architecture and fashion to graphics, product and ...


The Industrial Designers Society of America promotes the practice and education of Industrial Design.



Q: Do I need art foundation to learn this course?
A: No. Just a pair of eyes to find beauty.

Q: What is the most important thing to learn design well?
A: It is to understand users. For example, in this course, you are my user.

Q: Can I become a designer after this course?
A: It's hard. But this course can help you enter the gates of design and let you see a new direction.

Q: What advice do you have for future designers?
A: Not only is the design major, all college students will face an adaptation process when they go to the society. However, I personally think: for a young design professional, the most important thing is to keep their nature and not be changed by society. This nature includes innocence, sensitivity, curiosity and imagination.
Because of innocence, you will not lose your way in the drive of fame and wealth;
Because of sensitivity, you can care about others and find problems in life;
Curiosity allows you to try new things without inertia;
Imagination is the most precious quality of a child.
In other words, I don't worry about my students falling down in the process of growing up, but I worry about them losing their instinct to walk because they are afraid of falling down.

Q: Why is design an instinct?
A: As I mentioned earlier, innocence, sensitivity, curiosity and imagination are all things we should learn from our children. I think design is an instinctive behavior. It is instinctive for primitive people to sharpen spears. It is also instinctive for a three-year-old to build blocks. Why is the iPad popular? From the old to the young, they like to use it. Even a cat can play Fruit Ninja on it. This is the power of instinct. Therefore, the best way to cultivate design thinking is to find the original appearance of things. By the way, there must be love. The purpose of design is to express love. The starting point of design is to better convey love.

Q: Is design really important?
A: From the social level, with the development of the society, design will become more and more important, from simply satisfying the material function to the spiritual function, from industrialized mass production to personalization, which is also the necessity of social development and a reflection of instinct. In the 20th century, the emphasis of industrial design is in industry, because the first thing is to satisfy production. In the 21st century, the emphasis is on design. In the 20th century, engineers are the leading enterprises, such as Ford, while in the 21st century, designers are the leading enterprises, such as Apple.