Theory and Practice on Improving Immunity Based on Traditional Chinese Exercises
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spContent=This course is characteristic for its combination of physical education and medicine, so the course will be taught by experts in either sports or medicine. The teaching content covers both disciplinary theory and specific training method, showcasing the unique culture and charm of the East while conducting cross-cultural communication as well as sharing the wisdom of traditional exercises and modern research and application in this regard.
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About this course

Exercise is medicine. Regular and moderate exercise can effectively strengthen immune system so as to reduce the risk of virus infection and also improve or assist in the treatment of dysthymic disorders like anxiety and depression. This course provides suggestions for the general public about how to actively respond to the outbreak of novel coronavirus. It also explains: how the immune system reacts when viruses invade into the body; why exercises can enhance immunity and what is the mechanism; what the difference is between western sports and traditional eastern exercises. Besides, the course includes training lessons on Badaunjin(the versions of Chinese medicine), Daoyin, and other exercises conducive to immunity improvement.     


This course is characteristic for its combination of physical education and medicine, so the course will be taught by experts in either sports or medicine. The teaching content covers both disciplinary theory and specific training method, showcasing the unique culture and charm of the East while conducting cross-cultural communication as well as sharing the wisdom of traditional exercises and modern research and application in this regard.  


1. Knowledge learning: understanding the human immune system, the theoretical basis of enhancing immunity through exercises as well as the similarity and disparity between western sports and traditional eastern exercises.  


2. Skill learning: practicing Baduanjin(the versions of Chinese medicine),Ma Wang Dui Dao Yin Shu, and other Chinese traditional exercises conducive to immunity improvement.


A general understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda.


1. Lauren M. Sompayrac, How The Immune System Works, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd2015.

2.William E. Paul, Fundamental Immunology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,2002.

3.David C. Nieman, Bente Klarlund Pedersen. Nutrition and Exercise Immunology. CRC Press, 2000.

4.Michael Gleeson, Nicolette Bishop, Neil Walsh. Exercise Immunology. Routledge,2013.

5.Claude Bouchard, Steven N. Blair, William L. Haskell. Physical Activity and Health, Human Kinetics,2012.


Q :  Will the course content be published all together?

A :  No. The course content will be published in batches every week. The publishing time is every Wednesday at 10:00 am. Please follow up the course content every week and complete the related assignments and quizzes.

Q :  Is it possible to make up the assignments (or quizzes) after the deadline of submission?

A :  No. You cannot make it up after the deadline. There are no grades for assignments or quizzes that have not been submitted on time. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the announcement or the reminder of submitting assignments or quizzes in time, in case your overall score will be affected.



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