Evidence-Based Medicine
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spContent=Evidence-based medicine (EBM) emerged in the early 1990s and has triggered significant changes in the medical and healthcare field within just nearly 30 years of its development. It has been popularized globally and hailed as the medicine of the 21st century. Industry experts believe that the rise and development of EBM represent one of the greatest advancements in global clinical medicine in recent decades. It can also serve as an important decision-making concept and method for advancing China's "Healthy China 2030" strategy. With the support of Wuhan University, we have designed this course, hoping to continue promoting the dissemination of EBM knowledge and methods, and to assist in the cultivation of evidence-based thinking and skills.
—— Instructors
About this course

The Evidence-Based Medicine course offered by Wuhan University is the first batch of National Online Demonstration Courses for Graduate Students Pursuing Medical Professional Degrees, a First-Class Online Undergraduate Course in Hubei Province. Since its launch on "China University MOOC" in September 2020, the course has been offered for nine semesters, with a total of 35,825 registrants. The total number of views of the teaching resources exceeds 470,000, and the total number of posts is 57,134. The course rating has remained stable at 4.8 out of 5.

Graduate and doctoral medical students, practitioners in the healthcare field, and others interested in evidence-based medicine are welcome to enroll in this course; it is also suitable for medical undergraduates. We look forward to learning and applying together with all students, making "evidence-based medicine" take root and flourish.


This course is taught by a team of over ten experts, including Xiantao Zeng, Yi Guo, Yinghui Jin,Qing Liu, and others. The course content and teaching sessions are rich and diverse, with a reasonable depth and breadth, comprising three parts:

The first part introduces basic theories and methods of evidence-based medicine (Lectures 1-7), focusing on the fundamental theories of evidence-based medicine, sources and retrieval of evidence, types of clinical research designs, definitions and interpretations of commonly used statistical indicators, production processes and interpretations of systematic reviews/Meta-analyses, methodological quality evaluation tools, and introductions to levels of evidence and recommendation grades.

The second part emphasizes evidence-based clinical practice (Lectures 8-9), covering the formulation process of clinical practice guidelines and the writing of evidence-based case reports.

The third part explores advanced topics in evidence-based medicine (Lecture 10), including special types of systematic reviews/Meta-analyses such as dose-response Meta-analysis, network Meta-analysis, and Meta-analysis of qualitative studies.


It is preferable for students to have a basic understanding of statistics and clinical epidemiology, as well as a certain level of document reading ability. Since this course involves software operation, students are also required to possess some basic information technology literacy, such as a willingness to learn how to operate new software, the ability to download and install software, and the ability to convert Word documents to PDF format (to avoid situations where classmates cannot open each other's assignments during peer evaluation due to different document versions).


1. Gordon Guyatt, Drummond Rennie, Maureen O. Meade, Deborah J. Cook. "Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence-based Clinical Practice" (3rd Edition) [M]. AMA Press, 2015.

2. Sun Xin and Yang Kehu. "Evidence-Based Medicine" (2nd Edition) (For Professional Degree Graduate Students and Specialist Physicians) [M]. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2021.

3. Wei Shen and Zeng Xiantao. "Clinical Epidemiology" [M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2021.


Our passion for scientific research brings us together. We hope you will:

1.Dedicate 2-3 hours each week to studying course materials and 1 hour to participating in course discussions;

2.Actively engage in in-class activities and discussions, fully express your personal opinions, and generously share your valuable experiences;

3.Respect teachers and classmates, refrain from posting violent or offensive content, and treat others kindly;

4.Avoid posting illegal or prohibited information on the platform;

5.All course resources are copyrighted. Please seek permission before citing them;

6.Strictly prohibit posting course slides, quizzes, exam questions, and answers on the internet. Thank you for your cooperation.

For those who are new to MOOCs, there may be some unfamiliar aspects, but with willingness, we can all adapt!

Wish you all a productive and rewarding learning journey!