spContent=该课程主要为零基础汉语学习者开设,培养学生口语交际技能,优选问候、家庭、位置、交通、购物、饮食、爱好、天气、旅行等多项交际内容,让零起点汉语学习者快速学习和掌握所需汉语,满足学生日常生活及来华旅行需要。此外本课程对于汉语国际教育专业本科生、研究生及汉语教学从业者都具有指导意义。 This course is mainly for zero-level Chinese learners, developing students' oral communicative skills. We choose greetings, family, location, transportation, shopping, diet, hobbies, weather, travel and many other communicative content, to let the zero-level Chinese learners learn and master the required Chinese quickly, and to meet the needs of students' daily life and travel to China. In addition, this course is instructive for undergraduates, postgraduates and Chinese teaching practitioners.
—— 课程团队


The course consists of eight units and thirty-two lectures. The first four lectures are mainly focused on Pinyin, helping zero-level learners quickly grasp the composition and spelling rules of Pinyin, and read new words and sentences easily. At the same time, learning some simple daily expressions. The last seven units focus on function, using Task-based language teaching, focusing on the necessary life communicative items in the primary Chinese teaching stage and selecting the necessary vocabulary and grammar points to complete the communicative items. Taking communication as the main line, enhancing functional expression, learning the basic sentence patterns used in communication to successfully complete communication. You can do that what just learned can be used immediately and it has strong practicability. We choose multiple communication units such as asking ,simple daily expressions, transportation, hobbies, travel. It is rich in teaching content and can meet the daily life and communicative needs of the short-term visitors to China after completing the study.


为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。


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