College Chemistry(II)
spContent=In the ocean of science, chemistry is known as the “central science” because it is the bridge between many disciplines and involves all aspects of human life. The “College Chemistry” course is divided into two parts, led by Wang Yifan and Wang Weihong respectively.
—— 课程团队

Chemistry provides the foundation for humanity's initial march towards civilization! It is also the driving force for the sustainable development of modern society!

Our “College Chemistry” teaching emphasizes the scientificity and the systematization, and strives to be simple and easy to understand.

The English instructors of College Chemistry(I) international edition are Liu Shaoqian, Yi Xiaoyi, Yan Jun, Xiang Juan, He Zhen,He Piao, Liu Chao, etc.

The English instructors of College Chemistry(Ⅱ) international edition are Peng Hongjian, Liang Wenjie, Chen Guohui, Yu Jingang, Li Xiaoru, Shi Shuyun, Xiang Haoyue, Yu Guipeng, Lan Minhuan, Jiang Lihui, Sun Xiaoyi, Chen Yin, Hu Yunbin, etc.

The excellent online open course of “College Chemistry” of Central South University has 80 class hours in total, divided into the first and second parts. Among them, “College Chemistry (I)” has 40 class hours, including the basic knowledge of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and physical chemistry; “College Chemistry (II)” has 40 class hours, including the basic content of organic chemistry. This course is not only a public basic course for non-chemistry and non-chemical engineering majors, but also an important way for college students and social learners, including liberal arts students, to strengthen quality education and inspire innovative thinking. At the same time, the course is also an independent learning platform for students in the majors of biomedicine, mineral materials, geological engineering, safety engineering and other majors of Central South University to carry out the teaching reform of “flip classroom” and “Open Boutique Demonstration Classroom”.

The medical chemistry education of Central South University originated in the period of Xiangya Medical University in 1916, and the general chemistry education began in 1952 when the Mining and Metallurgy of Central South University was founded. Since the merger of the university in 2000, the course has inherited the centuries-old teaching tradition of Xiangya. Through the integration of science, engineering, and medicine, it has continuously achieved new achievements in teaching reform and curriculum construction. Among the 19 members of the teaching team, there are 7 professors, 13 associate professors, 2 lecturers, including 11 doctors; 1 provincial university teaching dedication award, 1 Baosteel excellent teacher award, 1 school-level teacher, 5 provincial university young teachers teaching competition first prize, 1 provincial young teachers courseware competition first prize, 1 youth thousand talents program of the central organization department; Most of them are leaders, organizers, speakers or team members in the four “national quality resource sharing courses” including inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry.

        “College Chemistry (I)” has a total of 18 lectures and 11 teachers. The content includes the following four modules: “(1) Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, (2) Basis of Material Structure, (3) Analytical Chemistry, (4) Element Chemistry and Materials”. Undergraduate students majoring in biomedical carry out the 56-hour course “Basic Chemistry” in the teaching reform of “flipped classroom” and “Open Boutique Demonstration Classroom”. Lectures 1-15 can be selected for learning, which involve the knowledge of three modules of “(1) Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, (2) Fundamentals of Material Structure, (3) Analytical Chemistry”; Undergraduates majoring in geological engineering and safety engineering specialize in the 56-hour “General Chemistry” course of teaching reform of “Mixed Teaching Based on MOOCs” and “Open Boutique Demonstration Classroom”. Lecture 1-4, 6-13 and 16-18 can be selected for learning, involving the knowledge of three modules “(1) Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, (2) Fundamentals of Material Structure (4) Element Chemistry and Materials”.


Let students master the basic principles and basic knowledge of chemistry.

To introduce students to the application of chemistry in medical and engineering practice.

Inspire students' sense of innovation.

To cultivate students' ability of analyzing and solving problems, to enhance their ability of applying modern information technology and self-learning, and to lay a certain chemical foundation for their subsequent courses and career.


High school chemistryHigher mathematics;Basic chemistry


Organic chemistry (2nd Edition), chemical industry press, editor-in-chief  Wang Weihong, and Luo Yiming, deputy editor-in-chief Peng Hongjian and Wang Weiling, 2020