Introduction of Information Communication Network
spContent=This is a basic course designed for non-communication major students and people working in relevant fields to establish the overall concept of information communication network, master the basic model of communication.
—— 课程团队

    This is a basic course designed for non-communication major students and  people working in relevant fields. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    1). Have an overview of the information communication network based on computer structure and system; obtain knowledge on the basic model of communication, the components of the network and the basic technology for information transmission. 

    2). Acquire basic knowledge on transmission system, switching system, terminal system, communication protocol, etc., and understand the principles and algorithms of network security and compression.

    3).  Develop the competence in computer network protocol application programming.

    4). Know the fundamental methods of information and communication network design; grasp the skills and techniques of information network design. 

    5) Have a deeper understanding on trends in network technology development, the application of network technology in intelligent manufacturing as well as the crucial role it plays in shaping future learning and in advancing science and technology. 


    To be specific, this course aims to cultivate students’ ability and competence in the following aspects:

    1). Analytical thinking: students are taught to analyze the performance of various networks with a focus on networking performance according to specific requirements.

    2). Self-regulated learning ability: students will be able to sort out, summarize, and digest the knowledge they have learned from the course and enhance their self-learning ability for acquiring advanced knowledge after the course. Additionally, students are expected to broaden their horizon via classroom teaching, reference books and materials. 

    3). Self-expression skills: students are required to express themselves concisely and logically when working on the assignments; and be able to illustrate how they analyze and solve the problems in after-class tasks. 

    4). Programming competence: students are expected to organize their ideas and solve problems during the process of programming via computer experiments. 

    5). Innovative spirit: students are encouraged to cultivate the habit of independent thinking. They are expected to develop their in-depth learning ability, for example, the ability of proposing different solutions to the same problem based on various analyzing methods. Furthermore, they are encouraged to draw analogies between the networking performance in theory and actual networking in real life.  

    This course is comprised of 9 chapters taught in a total of 32 class-hours: 

Chapter 1. Introduction (3 class-hours), 

Chapter 2. Physical layer (4 class-hours),  

Chapter 3.  Data link layer (5 class-hours), 

Chapter 4.  Medium Access Control Sublayer (6 class-hours), 

Chapter 5.  Network Layer (6 class-hours), 

Chapter 6. Transport Layer (3 class-hours), 

Chapter 7. Application Layer (2 class-hours), 

Chapter 8 Network Security (1 class-hour), 

Chapter 9 Coding and Video Compression Technology (1 class-hour), and the course summary (1 class-hour).


Computer and Programing Language.


    1. Chen Xiyuan, Zhu Xuefen, Tang Xinhua, Introduction to Information and Communication Networks, Tsinghua University Publishing House, 2019

    2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Computer Network (5th Edition), Tsinghua University Press, 2012

    3. Wu Gongyi, Computer Network (4th Edition), Tsinghua University Press, 2017

    4. Xie Xiren, Computer Network (7th Edition), Electronic Industry Press, 2017