spContent=Nursing is an applied discipline that integrates the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Caring for life is the origin of nursing. As practitioners of the Health China Strategy, nursing staff need not only exquisite skills to guard health, but also humanistic cultivation to care for life. "Nursing Humanity" is a course that integrates humanistic knowledge, humanistic methods and humanistic spirit to cultivate high-quality nursing talents with taste, style and sentiment.
—— 课程团队

This course is based on the job requirements of nurses, with humanistic spirit as the warp, humanistic skills as the weft and humanistic knowledge as the base, to build a teaching framework to enhance the humanistic cultivation of nurses. 

The course uses "pre-course introduction" cases, stories and questions to mobilise learners' interest in learning; "special lectures" to explain concepts and analyse difficulties, so that learners can grasp the essence of humanistic knowledge and understand the inevitable return of nursing to humanism; and "practical training" to make nursing care more humanistic. The practical training of "knowledge in action" enables learners to master humanistic skills. Through the study of this course, we can achieve the teaching objectives of cultivating people with morality, educating people with culture, nurturing people with beauty and treating people with kindness. 

Let's enter the course "Nursing Humanity" together and try our best to improve the standard of nursing, lifelong purity and faithfulness.

成绩 要求

1. 2020 Midwifery, Excellence class, 76 students in total, 4 large groups :ABCD groups of 19 students each; 16 small groups of 4-5 students each

2. Marking scheme: online (20%) = quiz 10% + video completion/chapter discussion (10%); group presentation 20% = in-class presentation (10%) + Nursing Humanity style show (10%); lab 20% = 2 PBLs; final theory exam 40%
