—— 课程团队




    Hello, everyone! Teaching Am. Literature online has been an extraordinary experience. If you are watching me now, I imagine, you have specialized interests in Am. Literature, history and culture. Welcome!

    The Am. Literature of the 19th century combines the evaluation of literary development with specific interpretation of major writers and their representative works. You can appreciate it from the beginning till the end as a complete story, or you may select any section of any writer, varying from life experience, writing style, aesthetics to interpretation of major works, including the themes, characters, language features and so on. General terms as Am. Romanticism, Am. Naturalism and Am. Realism have been discussed, and major writers with their distinctive features in the periods are included. Factors influencing the development of literature, such as the background information, cultural trends, literary schools, and social, political, economic situations will also be analyzed.

    The course assumes that understanding and appreciation enhance the pleasure of reading literature, while reading literature offers a valuable and pleasurable means of approaching the true meaning of life. It also assumes that the selections included will initiate students’ interest in their lifelong reading of literature. Consequently, the abilities of appreciating and understanding original English writing, basic methods of literary criticism and knowledge of American history and culture will all be increased.

Before I finish, let me wish you a happy adventure in the Am. Literature of the 19th century. Bon voyage!


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